RÖDER Hauptsitz - Am Lautenstein 5 - Büdingen Deutschland

Röder: We want to be an international high-performing group

For this, we realign our structures to be ready for the future. Thanks to consistently increased professionalism and collaboration we can enter a new stage of development.

Integration towards a strong international group

Röder – as a brand for top-class temporary and permanent modular structures – has strong international business units. Our more than 30 locations worldwide have a specific leading role in their respective markets. We want to bring them together in a global group and develop them further.

Make the knowledge of the countries available for the group

In the future, our national companies will ensure the greatest possible transfer of knowledge within the group for their areas of expertise. This way, all units can utilise the great expertise that already exists in many of our group’s locations for global strategies. Together, we want to create global developments and reach the next levels of professionalisation and innovation. This requires structural changes to our management. From now on a board of two will lead our company:

The new executive board

Maik Rothe is Chief Operating Officer (COO). He can rely on more than twenty-five years of comprehensive knowledge of the development of international companies. He has the necessary expertise in change management for the reorganisation of businesses towards profitable groups of companies.

Philipp von Hülsen is Chief Financial Officer (CFO). He has more than two decades of experience as director and commercial executive for industrial companies. His particular areas of expertise are the set-up of economic processes and structures, and very precise controlling.

Furthermore, there will be a strong management circle, in which second-level management with its expertise will be included even more strongly.

Thanks to former managers

Gisbert Loos and Herbert Klose make way for the restructuring of the management. This is by full mutual agreement between them and the proprietors. The proprietors extend their great and explicit gratitude to both for their contribution to the company’s success over the last years.

Daniel Burgsmüller, with his vast knowledge about Röder and his expertise, continues to be available to the company. He stays with the group and relocates to our parent company as Head of Finance (Value Investments).


Picture: Our owner and the new board: Dr. Christoph Hofbeck, CFO of RSBG, Philipp von Hülsen, new CFO of the Röder Group, Maik Rothe, new COO of the Röder Group, and Dr. Klaus Lesker, CEO of RSBG (from left to right).